Deň otvorených dverí
4. 5. 2024 od 10:00

Creating beautiful

days of childhood

A time your children won't forget.

Creating beautiful

days of childhood

Čas, na ktorý nebudú chcieť vaše deti zabudnúť

A small child can learn any foreign language just like his/her mother tongue. So we offer a programme of daily communication in foreign languages. Currently English and Spanish.

A respectful approach involves communication based on trust, equality, respect, and dignity. It supports mutual respect between the parents (adults) and the child, and applies information, feedback, the possibility of choice, acceptance of the child's emotions, and participation in solving problems. Recognition and appreciation aim to create internal motivation.
Our kindergarten’s therapeutic room helps to comprehensively develop the child's personality through the senses. Sensory experiences stimulate the primary senses without the need for additional intellectual activity. Such stimuli and experiences create a space for relaxation, induce a sense of well-being, and activate, awaken interest, relieve fear, and strengthen children's confidence and trust.
We focus on the development of the "happy child" concept where children learn to develop the strengths of their personality, psychological resilience, gratitude, positive emotions, and the creation of positive social relationships or living in the "flow". The concept of a happy child is most effectively achieved with a "happy teacher". Our teachers are therefore guided to work according to the principles of positive psychology, so it’s important to us that children feel happy, safe and calm in the kindergarten. When a happy teacher creates a positive environment for children, children learn efficiently and achieve progress.
The goal of staying in nature is primarily the formation of children's personality, deepening contact with nature, because staying in the forest awakens the senses, increases immunity, soothes, develops imagination, empathy and humility. Through experiencing changes of terrain /plain, hill, water source, meadow, forest, bushes, young trees, old dense forest/, through training of gross motor skills /the ability to walk, jump, balance, climb over, crawl, climb a rope, crawl under,..../ children grasp themselves three-dimensionally and build their dexterity. Through play activities, children get to know and learn what is part of the natural environment /air changes, light, air flow, precipitation, different plants, animals, minerals,.../ and as a result, they feel safe in nature, understand it, understand its importance, and therefore they know how to protect it. Nature and the forest environment are an important and integral part of the educational process, and we therefore want to ensure that children spend a significant component of their time in the kindergarten outdoors.
Preschool years are critical for the development of social and emotional skills. In our kindergarten, we emphasize that children build a healthy social and emotional foundation that will enable them to form positive and enriching relationships and be emotionally balanced, enabling them to learn and reach their full potential. Therefore, we guide children in a playful way to learn to recognize and control their emotions, pro-social behaviour, patience, and healthy self-esteem.
We use art therapy approaches when working with children. Specific knowledge from art therapy, drama therapy, and music therapy that support the development of creativity, self-knowledge, self-expression, and the visual and verbal arrangement of experiences. Art therapy works through creative means, music therapy through sounds, tones and music, and drama therapy through dramatic art.
Mindfulness is the fixing of attention on the present moment. It is a conscious perception of our thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations, and the world around us. In today's fast-paced world, it is very difficult to stop and fully appreciate the present moment, which is why we would like to teach children in our kindergarten how to do this. In our Snoezelen sensory room as well as in the classroom, we practice activities with the children to bring them into the present, so that they learn to be more aware of their bodies, emotions, and thoughts. Practicing mindfulness at an early age gives children a beautiful foundation in life through which they can learn self-control, understanding, and fulfilment. In this way, we enable children to live a more satisfied and balanced life.


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